About Me ....
My name is Pauline and I've been a self employed Complementary Therapist for almost 10 years. Prior to that, I worked in the financial sector for almost 25 years.
My journey began through simply wanting to 'learn how to massage' and nothing more ...
I began studying Complementary Therapies at West Lothian College, for 2 years back in 2009 while working part-time and bringing up my family. I graduated in 2011 with HNC Complementary Therapies.
I enjoyed the experience of learning and giving treatments to other people and seeing the changes in them so much that I decided I wanted to pursue it as a career.
This seemed a pipe dream at first but I just knew in my heart it was the right thing to do and I've never looked back! I really wanted to follow my dream so when the opportunity arose I grabbed it with both hands ( ... plus a few tears later! ...), HERE I AM .. A fully insured Complementary Therapist with Full Membership of The Complementary Therapists Association (CThA).
I have developed my understanding and knowledge further within a wide range of other therapies including Kinetic Chain Release - KCR (Accredited & FOTO Monitored Practitioner), Connective Tissue Release / Heart Energy, Reiki, Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone Massage, Aromatherapy, Onsite Chair Massage, Thai Massage (Level 1), Facial & Foot Reflexology, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Oncology Massage (through Volunteering with Cancer Support Scotland), Quantum Touch, Access Consciousness (BARS) and others ... I guess you could say I love learning new skills!! In 2020 I studied during lockdown my Diploma in Hypnotherapy & Transformational Coaching.
I love volunteering and supporting local causes. Those close to my heart are, Parkinson's UK, MS Society, MND Scotland, local Breast Cancer charities like Cancer Support Scotland and Bosom Buds, Canine Partners, West Lothian Cat Protection and SiMBA (Simpson's Memory Box Appeal). More recently involved with CGNN (Craigshill Good Neighbourhood Network).
My name is Pauline and I've been a self employed Complementary Therapist for almost 10 years. Prior to that, I worked in the financial sector for almost 25 years.
My journey began through simply wanting to 'learn how to massage' and nothing more ...
I began studying Complementary Therapies at West Lothian College, for 2 years back in 2009 while working part-time and bringing up my family. I graduated in 2011 with HNC Complementary Therapies.
I enjoyed the experience of learning and giving treatments to other people and seeing the changes in them so much that I decided I wanted to pursue it as a career.
This seemed a pipe dream at first but I just knew in my heart it was the right thing to do and I've never looked back! I really wanted to follow my dream so when the opportunity arose I grabbed it with both hands ( ... plus a few tears later! ...), HERE I AM .. A fully insured Complementary Therapist with Full Membership of The Complementary Therapists Association (CThA).
I have developed my understanding and knowledge further within a wide range of other therapies including Kinetic Chain Release - KCR (Accredited & FOTO Monitored Practitioner), Connective Tissue Release / Heart Energy, Reiki, Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone Massage, Aromatherapy, Onsite Chair Massage, Thai Massage (Level 1), Facial & Foot Reflexology, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Oncology Massage (through Volunteering with Cancer Support Scotland), Quantum Touch, Access Consciousness (BARS) and others ... I guess you could say I love learning new skills!! In 2020 I studied during lockdown my Diploma in Hypnotherapy & Transformational Coaching.
I love volunteering and supporting local causes. Those close to my heart are, Parkinson's UK, MS Society, MND Scotland, local Breast Cancer charities like Cancer Support Scotland and Bosom Buds, Canine Partners, West Lothian Cat Protection and SiMBA (Simpson's Memory Box Appeal). More recently involved with CGNN (Craigshill Good Neighbourhood Network).